WWW.CRUISECONTROLRADIO.COM On this hour of Cruise Control with Fred and Les Jackson
Used to be a low 0 to 60 time and burning rubber was the why to measure performance.Well with ultra

ricey gas that's all changed. We'll introduce you a new kind of competition called Hypermiling.
Gas prices are decimating the auto industry but two manufacturers are seeing big gains.
There's something new in the tank of Audi's R10 TDI race car. Your going to learn about GTL with a splash
of BTL.
So gas pricing are topping 4 dollars a gallon and people are staying at home. Well, we found a caravan of hot rodders not shy about emptying their wallets and burning a whole lotta of dead dinosaurs on the Hot Rod power tour.
Plus GM leaking batteries and future Camaro plans.
All that and more on this edition of the Cruise Control Pod cast. June 14th, 2008 from 10AM to12 Noon. Call in 1 877 977 6100