Friday, August 18, 2006

CRUISE CONTROL RADIO PODCAST: The NYC SMART Experience and Going Electric with Tesla

On this hour of Cruise Control Radio with Fred and Les:

We drive the ultra compact SMART car through the streets,
tunnels and highways of New York City. Is this a car you can
use for your everyday commute?

GM brings Corn to the Salt for some Wide Open Throttle Runs.

It's the battle for Ipod capability part Deux.

O to 60 in 4 seconds over 130 MPG and not a drop of gasoline.We hear
from Tesla Motors Mike Harrigan about one fast and clean two seat
sporty car.

And is your car or truck ready for the nightmare cruise???

All that and more as this edition of the Cruise Control Radio Pod cast.
Go to for more information.

To find out how to listen live on SATURDAY August 19th from
10AM to 12 NOON Eastern time CLICK HERE CAll In Number
1 877 977 6100 from 10AM to 12 Noon Eastern Time or subscribe
to the podcast on Itunes.

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