Saturday, August 19, 2006

CRUISE CONTROL RADIO PODCAST:Closing in on Toyota and the Hybrid club

On this hour of Cruise Control Radio with Fred and Les:

Toyota is the best in Customer Satisfaction but which manufacturer
is looming large in their rear view mirror?

Ever wonder how they determine the speed limit, what they think
is a safe speed for most cars? One company has what it thinks is a better
way using some new mobile technology.

Hybrid owners they have your back. Its kind of a car club/lobbyist group
for those gas/electrics.

And a bit of good news for GM, they lauched a new vehicle this week
and it was not a full size SUV or Pickup truck plus The CTS reaches a

All that and Pebble Beach special editions, sold out Electrics and Mazda
pricing on the new retractable.

Next week on Saturday August 26th we interview team Corvette
live from Corvettes at Carlisle if you like to wrap it in fiberglass you
won't want to miss this show. Live 10AM to 12 Noon Eastern

Go to for more information.

To find out how to listen live on SATURDAY August 26th from 10AM
to 12 NOON Eastern time CLICK HERE CAll In Number
1 877 977 6100 from 10AM to 12 Noon Eastern Time or subscribe
to the podcast on Itunes.

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